Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thirty Pounds from My Wedding Weight

I've lost some weight recently and realized it's time to start working out.

This week I asked The Huz to get his student ID so I could get a spouse pass for the Fitness Center on campus. It's $21/mo for a spouse pass. More than I used to pay at Gold's, but SO much cheaper than the only other fitness center in town ($50/mo) and SO much nicer!

Today was my first workout. I didn't want to bother with aerobic exercise because I can do that walking around the neighborhood (which I have been doing: 30-45 min walk every other day with the pooch. I don't time it, just walk until I'm tired and then head for home) so I used the time to lift weights.

It felt GREAT! I can't believe how much I missed it. Sure, my legs were wobbly and I was concerned of them buckling under the weight of the rest of my self, but a mere 25 minutes later and the endorphins rushing through me....ahhh. Wonderful!

I have 30lbs until I'm down to my wedding weight. Nine pounds til I match The Huz. Fifty pounds to be where I was when The Huz and I started dating. Seventy-five pounds til goal.

I'm hoping to be down to wedding weight by Thanksgiving and dating weight by New Year's Day.

Tomorrow I'll work on arms.

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