Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sixty-Four Pounds to Goal

The last few weeks I haven't been successful with weight loss. I've been eating crappy foods and justifying it because I've worked out. What a waste!

Yesterday, I did 35 minutes of cardio. Not sitting-down-riding-a-bike cardio, but on an actual treadmill. And I actually ran! Mostly it was run one minute, walk 3-4 ish, but I'm so proud of myself for not skimping on the time.

I have a lot to go, but the scale I have is awesome. It lets me input my height and starting weight, gives me my BMI, and asks me what my goal weight is. Then each time I weigh it gives me an update on my stats.

So, 45.4 lbs lost.
That means I have 64.xx to go.

Maybe I need to adjust my timeline to my birthday {February} because 64 lbs by Christmas is a bit silly! It would be 32 lbs each month. Yikes! I mean, I could probably do it, but I need to restructure my eating.

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