Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm tired and I'm sore

On Sunday I was starting to feel it but on Monday I could barely move my arms above my head - pretty pathetic. I considered asking Ryan to come shampoo my hair for me because my arms weren't making it above my shoulders.

Sunday afternoon and night were spent sick - stuffy head, feeling hazy, you know the drill.

So Monday morning's workout session was post-poned until today.

I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

But I did.

Of course I did. Because I made a committment and I have to fulfill.

I wasn't at the gym wholeheartedly. Hopefully tomorrow I will be.

{completely unrelated - but I'm listening to this girl from my office --during a meeting-- and she drives me crazy! one of those self-righteous/i-know-everything kind of people}

1 comment:

audrey said...

good job getting out and doing it. sometimes getting out the door is the hardest part!