Thursday, August 2, 2007

3 Day Slimdown Report

whola. So after my post the other day about stepping on the scale, I started my slimfast diet (okay, well, not 'diet' per se, because I'm going to probably be drinking these for the rest of my non-childbearing years) and already I've seen results.

Day 1 - 1 can for breakfast and 2 liters of water and 1 diet pepsi before 11:30 am. I think I peed 5 times in that same timeframe as well. Drank another can for lunch, but this time it'd been in the freezer here at work for a good 3 hours and was nice and frothy. Yum. The Costco brand is THE best. Probably downed a good 2 more liters of water and a diet coke (i have no loyalties to brands) before going home.

Dinner I overdid it. I had a frozen banana with chocolate and nuts and a leftover chicken crescent for dinner. Then I went to the gym and lifted weights for 40 minutes and did about 13 min of cardio (totally lame that I only did 13 min, i know).

Day 2 - craving something to chew, but continuing the slimfast routine for breakfast. Husband came and tempted me and wanted to go to lunch and i resisted! I can't take that kind of temptation on day-freakin-two. Made a delicious oriental chicken salad the night before and ate almost all of it...but it was sooo good...i felt sick after eating so much though. didn't work out...

Day 3 - slimfast for breakfast, lunch, dinner not until 9:15pm (10 hours later!!) at Wendy's with Tara after helping her move some stuff into storage. I sooo wanted fries, but instead chose a healthy side of yogurt and granola (yes, i know that granola is loaded with sugar...mmm...sugar) and a chicken salad frescata.

That's about it. I'm down about 6 lbs. Hooray. Very encouraging to keep going.

Fatty out, y'all


Natalie said...

You are so funny. I didn't know you had this blog until steve started poking around profiles of people in my blogroll.

Anyways... i just wanted to give a shout. And I promise I won't tempt you with anything at work (Well... i was planning on bringing this awesome cake to work this week. but i'm warning you ahead of time, so save a few calories so you can try it. :)) I think it's amazing if you can lose weight and work where you work. I never seemed to be able to do it. I put on about 20 before i got pregnant, then another 60 before Sophie was born. Yikes.

You go girl... beat the system!

exclusive_remedy said...

Hey, what's the update now? I hope things are still going well with the slimdown. Funny you looked up how much Homer weighed in that episode I mentioned. We can be strong together. After my workout buddy leaves for Utah again in two weeks you will have to ask me if I worked out every day, okay? Talk to you later!