Friday, September 21, 2007

Okay, out with the Alli, in with the Slimslow

It's not slimfast. Someone should petition the name. I hopped on the postal scale at my office the other day and my weight with clothing was what it was a month ago nekkid. So that's good news at least. a few pounds down.

We recently had family pictures from my friend Liz at Dilly Dally Art and I saw the results and I really really really am pissed at myself for two things: 1) looking like shit in the picture (i think i needed a diff hair style that morning...curse me for getting up early and going to the gym and thus not having ample time) and 2) how the hell did I let myself get like this!!! After 4 yrs of losing 120 lbs and a good solid year of keeping it off. It's really depressing, yet at the same time, I've never wanted to workout more in my life.

So I get to the gym, workout really hard and sweat up a storm and look at the timer on the's been 10 minutes. That WONT do. But this is my lunch hour, mind you, which means i have an hour to drive to the gym, change, workout, quickly shower (forgot my towel, had to use my sweaty shirt I just took off for my hair) and get back to an hour. I did another 10 min at full speed on the stationary bike and only got 2 miles down. I have a long way to go. I can't believe I used to go 5 miles in 40 min on the elliptical. I. MUST. GET. BACK.

So Alli is no longer my friend. I stopped taking it after a good week because I really don't want to have any babies with weird birth defects because mommy wanted to be skinny. So until I'm either back on the Pill or some other form of BC, it's not gonna happen.

Not really the best entry, esp. after a month of none, but I'll update this more often.


Rocketgirl said...

Okay, here'd an idea for what it's worth. I have a fiend from long ago who was a tubber (I mean a REAL tubber) and I saw him a few years later and hewas a different person - he'd lost so much weight I couldn't recognize his face! His secret? He read somewhere that most people are dehydrated and usually when we think we're hungry, we're actually thirsty. She he carried around a jug of water everywhere and drank anytime he felt like snacking. If he still felt hungry after a good drink, then he'd eat, but many times it turned out he was just thirsty. He also started walking more, but he attributed lots to the water idea. I'd totally do that if I wasn't a lazy bum.

carla alexandra vendinha said...

... but your face is fabulous. you are a beautiful beautiful woman!!! I also hate to see myself in pictures. And I cant understand why I have allowed myself to put on so much weight. I need a miracle pill. I´m just too lazy.
But rocketgils advice is perfect. All my doctors told me that! Good Luck!

Kristen Doran said...

Thanks for delurking on my blog, nice to meet you!